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Hi there. I'm Lu, the creator of Fistbump the Sky, a world that currently grows on a cake, strapped to a frog's back as he hops around the universe, dodging responsibility wherever he goes.

I started building this world when I was a kid, fortunate enough to grow up surrounded by artists, musicians, and theatre fanatics who entertained me with their wondrous stories of how the spirit can be unlocked to create art. Naturally, I began to feel alienated from other children and could not expect the adults to entertain me. So, I decided that if I could not leave the house whenever I pleased, then I would do it another way - mentally. That was when I began to create “Fistbump the Sky.”


It started with only a few locations, eventually growing into a land encompassing everything I liked and nothing I didn't. This is why you won’t find any tomatoes there, no matter how hard you look. With time, I added more geographical details and creatures that could care for the world while at school. By the time I was a teenager in the good old 90s, I was fascinated with how musicians approached world building and how they chose their stage names. This inspired me to name the world “Fistbump the Sky.”
Not only did this sound like a band name, but it referenced the most iconic victory sign
– a person punching the sky in triumph. 
This led to a brand of personalized books and stories set in a world lovingly written and illustrated by yours truly.

A world called “Fistbump the Sky.”

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